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Pickle Me This

June 23, 2023

Happy Birthday, Clarence Thomas?

Before last June, it had never occurred to me that Clarence Thomas had a birthday. That he had not, in fact, emerged into the world middle aged, sitting in a room crowded with concerned-seeming people who pronounced “harassment” in surprising ways while telling stories about pubic hairs left on pop cans that were bewildering to my 12-year-old ears, and that I don’t understand any better today.

But it turns out that Clarence Thomas’s birthday is today, June 23, and also the day before mine, which I discovered the morning I turned 43 while hanging out sheets on my clothesline and listening to @mollyjongfast on her political podcast right before I got the terrible news that the US Supreme Court had ended abortion access for millions of Americans.

Happy Birthday, Clarence Thomas…I guess??

Thanks to @shedoesthecity for publishing my essay on the devastation of Roe vs. Wade falling one year ago, but also about how it made me realize how my new novel (ASKING FOR A FRIEND, forthcoming from @doubledayca on September 5) had to end.

Read the whole thing here.

One thought on “Happy Birthday, Clarence Thomas?”

  1. Absolutely brilliant. All of it! You’d best be careful, my girl, you’re rapidly becoming a North Star! Thank you for writing this column, Kerry, it means the world to me and to thousands of women you’ll never even meet, promise!

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