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Pickle Me This

December 22, 2022

A Box of Cloud

A year ago, a box arrived, a big box that was so light that it felt like we’d just had a cloud delivered to our doorstep, and at this point I was really suffering in a mental health crisis, and a cloud in a box felt like the gift of lightness. Even though we’d sent it to ourselves, eight big balls of wool because I’d determined that our family would spend the holiday break knitting scarves, such a calming and restorative occupation. And we did! And it was! By the new year we had four gorgeous scarves that attracted admiring comments from strangers when we wore them out and about (but not in a weird way). A great skill for our kids (and their dad!) to learn and we enjoyed the holiday knitting so much, we’re doing it again, this time to be donated to a shelter. I’m excited to get started. The wool was just delivered so it looks like the holidays are nearly here.

4 thoughts on “A Box of Cloud”

  1. Diane says:

    Theresa beat me to it — I too LOVE this. So much.

  2. Lynn says:

    Hi Kerry, I read you regularly, a fellow Canadian tho much older than you I have appreciated your directness, honestly, humour, book review talents and your own books are on my list to purchase. I am a retired Canadian in France and believe me your blog has been a source of joy, interesting books, your gleanings post, you make me laugh sometimes I’ve had tears and if this means anything I’d of loved to have had not only your communication skills but your chutzpah and approach to life as a younger woman. I am a bit concerned that you’ve been absent for so long. I hope all is well and you are just being a mom, a wife and busy creating…sincerely Lynn in France.

    1. Kerry says:

      Happy New Year and thanks for checking in!! I spent a lovely two weeks or so living with my laptop shut and it was GREAT. Now I’m excited to tell you about all the books I read. Stay tuned!

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