February 7, 2023

- I was lucky to travel to Ukraine in my 60s, lucky to meet far cousins, and to be greeted with bread and salt, with tiny glasses of moonshine flavoured with mountain herbs, and I am reading backwards to remember it all.
- With my next book, I want to strive bring down my expectations. This sounds like I’m joking, but I mean it. I think low expectations make for less disappointment. Also, it helps me to realize there are tons of writers feeling the same way about not making whatever list. It’s not just me.
- The only difference is experienced authors know the unconscious is also at work and, if we’re smart, we’ll lean into whatever gifts it might offer.
- Oh, and about that four-year-old friend, I strongly believe everyone should have one. I’d even go so far as to say, if I could give one gift to everyone in the Universe, it would be a four-year-old-friend. But know this, you will never get to be the teacher when you play school.
- No, we don’t solve the world’s problems in any of our conversations, nor do we solve our own, but we always come away with food for thought. Nothing is off the table.
- And this kind of reminded me why I’ve always loved good old fashioned blogging — the way you find things you wouldn’t have otherwise.
- For the flow will continue – you, her, these feelings, this moment, life … we’re already in the river we don’t need to swim against the current … release, allow, find yourself in the flow.
- I don’t actually have much to say about French Braid. I liked it a lot, because it’s the kind of thing I like.
- There really is a magic to playing with ideas and images and watching the piece transform itself from a collection of photos to a composite image. Something new and unexpected is created and if you work intuitively, eventually what you are thinking or trying to say emerges. I find writing that way as well. As long as you don’t try to force things, if you sit down to play with the words, then what you are trying to say eventually finds its way out.
- I’m way fantastic at self-deprecation, which needs work, surely.
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