October 26, 2022

- “Humility is about being the right size in a given situation.”
- Friends!! Here it is – the Nanaimo Bar Cake.
- My agent just compared the emotional aftermath of publishing a book to the postpartum experience, and the accuracy blew my mind.
- My friends all believe that I have an irresistible urge, bordering on an obsession, to renovate each of the houses we’ve owned. ‘Though I’d vigorously deny that accusation, there may be a grain of truth to it.
- and I felt so wildly happy running across the grass to get some water for the flowers, thinking of the miserable muddy February of his funeral and how far we’ve come. When I got back, I announced to the stone monument, “J is getting married today,” because I knew he would have been happy to hear it, and then promptly felt the sting of tears. How strange it is to be so old, and not live in that town anymore, and not to have my father alive. I don’t think I will ever stop being surprised.
- One of the best feelings in the world is that moment when you open a new book to the first page and begin reading. It’s exhilarating—like setting out on a new adventure.
- What folds? Time does. It wrinkles, it turns on itself, it collapses, it takes us forward and back in the same moment.