September 1, 2022

- What if we knew and trusted and embodied a felt feeling and awareness of even mere moments of being satisfied, content — of having and doing and being … enough. What might become possible?
- Don’t make the mistake of thinking that contemporary fiction is all there is. Older books need not be the traditional classics that you read at school, if those aren’t your thing. Seeking out books published in earlier decades can provide you with a plethora of new favourites…
- What happened to the Retro Frosted Cake Brownie, y’all? Is it out of fashion? This is criminal!
- While I swam, the last of the swallows were dipping over the surface of the water, two of them swooping right over my arms, windmilling me backwards from one grove of cedars to the other, my sentinels.
- It has been much more than a week of lasts — indeed many happened much earlier, without out us being cognisant or marking those occasions.
- First come the peonies, then the Dahlias –– and then come the sunflowers, summer’s last laugh.
- in the face of countless calls to health insurance companies, car troubles, worries about money, automation, depersonalization, there are roses, there are flower petals dropping to the ground while no one watches. the fans oscillate. the artwork falls cockeyed in the frame. there is a chill to the air today, reminding me that i’ve survived another summer. jazz plays while i am on hold and i enjoy it. lots of horn.
- Is the world, ever so slowly, righting itself again? Stabilizing? So, so slowly? And if not — or if this sense of balance, possibility, and normalcy is also only temporary — can I enjoy it for this moment? There’s the bigger question.
- When asked about books that have stayed with me forever, what comes to mind immediately is a childhood collection of stories…
- When I sit to do my daily meditation, I try not to look at my meditation streak.
- I still can’t give a particularly good reason for getting the very large tattoo, or even for the chosen image (an owl made of woven ribbons), other than I like it.
- So, my advice would be to celebrate every success like it was the end goal. Finished an entire draft? That’s a huge accomplishment! Stop and revel in that. Revel in every moment. By all means, keep climbing, but don’t forget to take in the view on your way up.