June 7, 2022

- It’s peony season, and peony season signals my annual pilgrimage(s) to the corner of Sussex and Brunswick where peonies bloom in abundance.
- What expectations should we be setting aside so that the messages arrive? How can we set aside our fucking reticence and send messages?
- Forget the 10,000 hours. Use whatever hours you have.
- But creativity doesn’t work that way. It likes to take the long drive and visit all of the small towns and historical monuments on the side of the road first. It wants to hang around on the front porch of an old general store and look at the ancient ice machine, or Pepsi sign in detail. It can’t tell you why, it just does.
- It’s only the omnipresence of violence, including its institutionalization in the military, that makes it possible to encounter that one death and think, for a minute, that it’s not much, not that big a deal. In fact, in its singularity, because of its singularity, that one death is everything that matters, as everyone who has lost a loved one knows.
- Not as a resignation, or avoidance, but as an invitation to let be, let go, and to unclench the grasp of should and could and what ifs, the stories or avoidance of how life really goes … of course. It doesn’t mitigate the feelings, but it does pull us back into present moment with what is.
- Possibility –– it’s one of my favourite words. Derived from the Latin, possibilis, “able to be done,” possibility walks hand-in-hand with hope, potential, and the idea that there is always room for something else to emerge, something different, unexpected and exciting.
- Although I was in Ukraine and although I had a Ukrainian grandfather, I didn’t—couldn’t—think of myself as Ukrainian. Could I? My daughter? My husband, born in Yorkshire? A man pounded the table and said, You are married to a Ukrainian woman so you are Ukrainian! He toasted us with the fiery horilka flavoured with mountain ginseng.
- And a general delight in spring, with fresh starts and new beginnings for which I’m always grateful, even as I never forget that those starts and beginnings both build on old knowledge and exist in the context of a difficult world.