March 16, 2022

- I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the ways in which social media and the theoretical shrinking and speeding up of the world impacts our ability to be nuanced thinkers and ethical actors, not to mention emotionally stable.
- “Zero risk is, I don’t need to wonder anymore,” he says. “Wondering is exhausting.”
- I’m not running away or hiding from news of the world. But I do recognize it’s not healthy to focus on it to the point of inducing anxiety over that which I cannot control.
- I kept to the classic script and every single person in my family, including the two who don’t like bananas at all, couldn’t get enough of it. I get it now, I really do. It’s far more complex than it seems, and abundantly cozy.
- I just bought five bunches of Hyacinths from my local corner shop that within minutes of entering the house muffled the smell of gym socks and meatloaf with their ethereal scent.
- Until the light returns/ The trees promise to remember how it felt to/ Be wrapped up in cool, endless shade.
- Time. Time is what I most long for. Time denied the Ukrainian mother-to-be and her child who were killed in the bombing of their maternity hospital. Time is also what I most celebrate. Individual moments of clarity are all the more precious when they emerge from a fog.
- It’s been nearly a hundred and fifty years since this chair was shiny, and new, and arguably, plagiarized. As always, to me, those years are a comfort
- Poetry is a place, still, to work things out, work things through. I
- I realized I knew little about poetry. By little, I mean nothing. But I want to learn to appreciate poetry, the beauty of the rhythm and cadence of the words, the meanings within.
- At times, I can disregard the boring days, the days that stretch on and need to be filled, the days of ordinary-ness, the days we’d long for if we no longer had them, the days, so many are wishing for in this moment, the days that make a life.
- Its the spring, things and thinks burst out from seemingly nothing. All this time, they’ve just been waiting. It can be its own overwhelm, but I am hungry for it. And overwhelmed by it. the irony, the ache. the swell, the burst. all of it.
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Thank you for including me among these fine writers.
Also, that photo grabbed me immediately — I used to have that set of bowls. Over the decades most were broken and the final one I gave to a new family in the area since they were in desperate need of kitchen ware.