February 15, 2022

- “Awe challenges us to look beyond ourselves, but, in return, it offers new insights and a wiser perspective—one filled with a deeper sense of connection, meaning, and purpose.”
- She described “an atmosphere of complete and utter acceptance in his classroom. Students knew that they had a teacher who cared about them and would do everything he could to ensure their success.”
- I was lucky to travel to Ukraine in my 60s, lucky to meet far cousins, and to be greeted with bread and salt, with tiny glasses of moonshine flavoured with mountain herbs, and I am reading backwards to remember it all.
- As a potter, I can tell you that function gets in the way of my fun. The minute I start measuring asparagus stalks, I lose my groove.
- Every so often, I try to do responsible things like Plan Ahead to reap the rewards that should come with it like A Calm and Unfrazzled Week and I fail almost 100% of the time in the service of Something More Fun I Just Thought Of.
- Who knew in grade one that the alphabet we were learning would be everything?
- An occupation carries with it the feelings of the oppressed or those who view themselves as the oppressed. Is there a difference between the two? I wonder sometimes.
- The vast majority of my work happens slowly, with a brush-in-hand and a butt-in-chair that’s at odds with the algorithm’s thirst for drama.
- Now our tale is done, said E. to the small brown owl, and he closed the book.
- All I know in my many years of working at the library is that interactions are so much more likely to go well if I’m able to literally feel an open heart when I begin.
- In friendship, there’s so much room for exchange. Generous exchange. Friendship is a practice in curiosity, attention, lightness, vulnerability, caring, holding and letting go.
- I don’t know, nor is it my business to know, if they knew each other, or if they will ever see each other again, but I do know I got to be witness to a moment where they met each other eye to eye, face to face, knee to knee, human to human … spirit to spirit.
- And it’s weird to think of us maneuvering into this next stage of life, too because wasn’t it just last year we were partnering up and having babies and finishing degrees and making bad choices and recovering from too-late nights at the bar with too many tequila shots? Spoiler: it turns out it was much longer ago than that.
- May I now present to you my first book! Not a book I had envisioned or expected at all, and definitely not my original idea when I put the dream out there, but a book nonetheless and one that I made myself.