February 9, 2022
Blog School: BOOST

I’ve been teaching Blog School Courses online for more than two years now, and never knew exactly how to respond when people who’d completed my courses expressed interest in a “Part Two” version of my FIND YOUR BLOGGING SPARK course (which I also teach in a guided version called MAKE THE LEAP). Because my most fundamental tenant of blogging is that the writer has to make her own way, be bold and dare to blaze a path instead of trailing in somebody else’s footsteps.
But sometimes every blogger can benefit from a good creative boost, which is why I’m putting BOOST together, a “Part Two” kind of, as in we’ll get to work together again, but really this time you’ll be making your own way and I’ll be on the sidelines cheering you on.
Cost will be $400.
What you get:
- A one hour one-on-one call with me where we talk about your blogging goals and develop strategies to meet them.
- Written feedback from me on one post per week running for five weeks (Feb 28-April 1)
- A group of supportive and inspiring writers to learn from and respond to via a Google Group Forum
- Optional spotlight on the Blog School Blog and my social media to introduce your work to a wider audience
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