October 13, 2021

- And so, I find myself squarely in the land of paradox. Learning to live and co-exist in the both/and. The contradictions and complexity. That we are both but one in the universe, and the universe itself. Both the inconsequentiality and significance of it all.
- I’m sure some people wonder why the heck I do this blog for little fanfare or acclaim or cash damn dollars. I always come back to this answer, that I love it and so I am constantly paying myself. Don’t get me wrong I also love dollars, but I can’t think about them, I just have to think about what I love.
- So I kept on doing the work that was before me, despite being consumed with self-doubt.
- The older I get, the more intentionally I think about who I am and build my work around that.
- Soup is the great solace of autumn, pots of turkey noodle, roasted squash, comforting borscht, potato and kale, Greek lentil.
- And, it turns out, I don’t have too many clothes. What I had was a wardrobe overstuffed with dreams and sadness. And now I don’t. And my mood, my mental health, everything, is better for it.
- For the frog in the tomato bed, the ladybug in the shower, for the person I saw swimming in the ocean and mistook for a seal until they emerged and I realized they are not a seal but a selkie and who has since become an almost friend. Who would not want a selkie as a friend?
- I would argue that it’s art too, because it shows me the world in a new way.
- When I contemplate why the fresh eggs brought such delight, I realize the mind needs to be serene to see the beauty in the ordinary.