May 18, 2021

- I hear the mantra, “This, too, shall pass.” Somehow, by the lake, it’s easier for me to believe it, to remain hopeful.
- Can light still change us? Can beauty? Can a seagull perched on top of a TacoTime cactus after rummaging through the trash show me something that I need to know?
- When I was younger I wanted to change the world, I think we all did. Now that I am older I am content in knowing that maybe, for only a few moments, I have made a difference in someone’s life.
- I started writing Pocketfuls as a personal creative project when I was home raising two young boys, and writing about parenthood there gave me the skills, the personal connections with other writers (who shared expertise and resources with me over the years), and the confidence to believe that I could write books.
- These May mornings are gifts…
- Perhaps the greatest proof of friendship is that, even in the midst of some pandemic gamesmanship, some awkward silences and some selfish or uncaring comments, our love and respect for each other survives, is even, eventually made lovely again.
- And Rhonda Douglas shares 7 online writing workshops, including mine! (Thank you, Rhonda! Sign up today!)
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