May 11, 2021

- The restorative qualities of being in nature, or “green space,” are well documented, but researchers have only recently begun to focus on what changes when water is part of the picture…
- …you don’t have to agree with everything he says but the point is to go on thinking about things, perceiving things, however desperately, to go on looking deeper at the world and how it works
- I’ve been making focaccia a lot this year…
- We have a new table in our kitchen. It’s not really a table and it’s decidedly not new, but it’s a surface we’ve recently unearthed and put back to use.
- For nearly 40 years I’ve come up our driveway to see the wisteria blooming in May and each time I’ve felt overcome with its beauty.
- Finally, there is also nothing like being welcomed to a team where you know absolutely no one, and the next thing you know, you’re bonding over books and authors and food and beer and music, and then just like that, you’ve made some lifelong friends.
- And as I have written before, understanding is not an agreement, or forgiveness or an apology.
- Here then, a celebratory list of the newsletters I’m glad to sit down with…
- I miss exposition, linearity, confidence that the novel as a form is robust enough to be “traditional” in these ways and still new.
- She worked and taught and dreamed mathematical dreams, and I am grateful to have seen that, every day, at home. Even though she yelled at me often about the inadequate sharpness of my pencils, I know she did it from love. As mothers do.
- There’s a kind of magic that happens in the gloaming; a glorious solasta before the sun dips below the horizon.
- The rhubarb was so tantalizing, I selected a few stocks to bring home for pie or a cake. Once home, not feeling like making pie crust, I thought of my mom and her favourite rhubarb cake.
- Barometric pressure affects me but there isn’t much I can do to control that…
- Cinnamon buns are perfect — they don’t need disruption, nobody needs a fresh new take on them, and they don’t need refining.
- I emptied my wallet today for the first time in well over a year and I felt like I was sifting through another woman’s things
holy. congratulations on 100! That is definitely worthy of celebration. I can’t begin to thank you enough for including me among these talented creatives. Thank you, thank you. Please celebrate today, however that looks for you.
Such a good list, Kerry. I read many of them instead of worrying about my daughter’s vaccination hunt. And is that a crabapple in bloom at the top? If so, I have its west coast cousin blooming her heart out beyond my vegetable garden.
Thank you, Theresa! Hope your daughter has vax luck soon! It’s going to happen.
I came back. Now that I’ve reached the end of this list, I had to say that I think the new fangled way of doing cinnamon buns that Smitten Kitchen came up with was meant just for us! Enjoy, celebrate.
I love her blog so much!! xo