March 2, 2021

- When I start to freak out a bit that I’m wasting too much time, I remember that good collaboration takes however long it takes. And you can’t collaborate if you’re not listening.
- I applied the same guidelines to painting that I do to writing: get it down, fix it later. And it worked. In some ways.
- The mail that arrives in the Opeongo Road is magical & promises to take me to other worlds.
- I don’t have a singular focus for this blog (or my life), I may never have one (for either) -and I’m finally OK with that. <<EXHALE>>. It feels so good to say that out loud!
- The dandelions are coming, dear friend, they really are.
- Such deliciousness – in books & baking. Now, more than ever, we need both.
- Being able to feel so deeply happy for friends’ good news and hopeful futures is something I’m relishing.
- Upon a bit of reflection I realized that one of the biggest things I loved about this class has been the ability to start my writing on the computer.
- Can we talk about the beauty of this bok choy bouquet? Something lovely that suggested itself before I swept the pieces into the green bin?
- Best of all, after wanting to do this for so long, and after three false starts, here I am with a blog! (Imagine that shouted from a mountaintop.) I didn’t know it would be so fulfilling. Once I press the “Publish” button, I feel a great release, and I’m happy and excited to work on the next post. To actually finish a piece of writing and send it into the world – that’s huge, for me.
- My current unrelenting monologue (like most people’s these days, I expect) is not a particularly sustaining one: I need reading to give me other stories to think about. I need blogging for the same reason, I find: it is still the only writing I do that feels genuinely my own.
- Of all the things to send me over the edge, you might not suspect that the greasy waxed paper around a crumb-covered knob of butter would be the thing.
- The thing about blogs is: 1. There’s no fake news; 2. There are no ridiculous memes; 3. People don’t just scroll, click a ‘like’ button, and move on; 4. There’s no self-righteous indignation 5. They don’t have people behind them making them addictive; 6. They are worthy of your attention; 7. and, if there are haters, we aren’t subjected to them (unless of course, we follow a haters blog).
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