January 5, 2021

- If you’re swimming against the current, you’re acting with purpose. Effort can be clarifying.
- The question becomes, how do we keep the essence of our traditions, while allowing them to morph and evolve into something new?
- Even in the darkest dark, you will see, there is shimmering light ahead. Trust me, for I am a dreamer. I’ve missed you, too.
- COVID-19 has made me grateful that I’m a Psychrolute.
- Spread love, preach peace: Be a light.
- It’s all really about attitude and we all have so much to be grateful for.
- Is it an accident that two of my favourite books of the past year both address the concept of receiving or claiming credit? (No.)
- Try not to die before Armistice, okay?
- I’m in it for the practice. The process.
- I’m closer to the ground. And my spirit is closer to the sky.
- It was a painless process, not like the stocks, and I am a better person for it.
- If it’s so trivial, why do so many men become so enraged when a woman expresses the desire to be known as ‘Dr X’?
- I am all too aware that there are things my husband can do now, that too soon he will no longer be able to do. I am aware, but I am still not taking notes.
- The times have caused us to recognize privilege and abundance of resources that are not accessible to everyone because of the systems that have shaped us for generations – colonialism, capitalism, racism, and the patriarchy./ We can find ourselves holding all of that reality, all the hope for transformative change, all the despair and all the love, all the fear and all the joy, all at once.
- Sometimes I give myself really bad coffee jitters on purpose, just to feel something.
- We shouldn’t be deeply embarrassed if we play a wrong note; we should be deeply embarrassed if we play an entire concert in the pursuit of perfection, forgetting our true purpose: to connect with each other.
- Stitching the grammar of rocks into cotton, making a trail of ancient writing for a friend living so far away it might be another time, another epoch altogether.
- I don’t tune out the din, I am learning to be with it.
- And that is how Fred and I come to spend the better part of our first evening together in the bar of The Four Seasons Hotel, me drinking fine brandy and tea and eventually ordering a cheese plate and salad, bits of which I lovingly shove through the wires of his cage on the seat next to mine