September 29, 2020

- I’m not calibrating my movements to the chattering and growling of rancid beasts anymore.
- I wonder how long it will be before two strangers sit side by side at the cinema sharing in the experience of being alone.
- “We, as a society, don’t value the process of activities, we just value the outputs. Maybe it’s the process that is the crossover between writing and craft,” Dr Burns suggests.
- It is kind of difficult to be a woman sharing a poem about reproductive rights, which are evidently important to me and many people that have uteruses in this city and in this province and to be shut down and told it’s too political, which is often the case when you’re discussing issues like this — it’s really difficult.
- Socks, knitting, Buffy. Fall is here as far as my family is concerned.
- The satisfaction of painted particulars.
- The consequences of our choices, deeds, words are unpredictable, outcomes uncomfortably beyond even our best guesses.
- So much of [the] satire depends on shaming its victims; the author appears frustrated when his method encounters a subject that is incapable of shame on any level.
- The bears remember and return. They’ve been doing this forever.
- I shall be a tree tourist in Alberta
- I have always been extraordinarily lucky. I am shy but have managed to surround myself with the most extraordinarily wonderful friends for my entire life.
- But what about those books that you eagerly anticipate? When you wait patiently for them to appear as “ready for pickup” in your library holds, and you hurry home with them and then you are not nearly as enthralled with them as you’d thought you’d be? There has to be a German word for that kind of let down.
- Brittney Cooper is indeed eloquent, and lets the rage fly. I learned so much.
- Well, it’s that time of year again. The time when I reread Sylvia Townsend Warner’s Lolly Willowes.
- Every day that I was waiting for change, budding of leaves, longer light, I was also aware of a beauty that I had never noticed.
- Wait, what? All this time, and I still haven’t shared the history of the #wyrdshed? No better time than in the midst of isolation….
- It got me thinking: what else about myself (or the world–but let’s start small) could I wonder about?
- My hands shook, big deal, on good days I could just imagine it away and for decades I pretty much did.
- I love how the city has been everybody’s playground this summer, inviting us all outside to walk or talk or read or pray.
- A millimetre to the right and it might never have happened.
- We’d navigate the front steps (not easy with a giant pram, but you quickly sort it out and manage it quickly) and then roll into the shop, hearts pitter-pattering with excited anticipation.
- I am honoured to be with someone who sees me in a way that I can look back at who I was. I recognize myself.
- Documenting our lives, through whatever medium you chose, ought to bring us closer to our lived experiences, our loved ones, and ourselves instead of creating tension, anxiety and competition.

Thanks for including me Kerry!
I loved your piece. xo
Means so much!