September 22, 2020

- There’s safety in a bowl of spaghetti
- A mistake-free performance could only happen if it were so unambitious as to be, frankly, boring.
- Now that we know how precious cheese is, don’t let it go to waste!
- Christmas, Halloween, birthdays galore, our house was that home where you knew you could bring your best friend’s cousin to and she’d just fit in.
- A message from the past to the present: be careful how you move between the cedars and firs.
- I aspire to read more books that I actually end up reading.
- Even knowing all of this, it wasn’t until I read Fangirl that I realized that I could tell the world how much I loved fanfiction
- I’m not against protesting, not one whit. I am opposed to perversity and spite.
- I do not need a pandemic to let me know I’m mortal.
- My grandmother wasn’t even born a Zorn, but a Wolf. She came by her name too.
- Somewhere along the line, I internalized the messages that I was broken and in need of fixing at the same time as not being able to rely on anyone but myself to meet my needs.
- Because I do a lot of my seeing with a camera, I often see things at least twice.
- Knowing what to remove, what to take down, what to edit out is as essential to completion as invention itself.
- That sense of accomplishment follows me throughout the day, which is important when so much of regular life is temporary.
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