September 15, 2020

- It’s been one, very small, dull-silver lining of the pandemic: My children have been roaming the neighbourhood, without me.
- There is something bewitching about keeping a record of the little details in life, those things that probably culminate in patterns, and may otherwise go unnoticed.
- Most everyone I know is tired of hearing that I am a librarian’s daughter. Especially the non-readers. What can I say? I’m lucky.
- These are the people on whose doorstep I can arrive with no notice. These are the texts I’ll reply to as soon as I see them, and the phone calls I’ll answer even if I’m in tears and letting other calls go straight to message.
- Ever since I got my fancy-pants bundt pan, I have been making one cake with more frequency than any other.
- With hints of autumn in the air and tickling the leaves, it felt like this might be our last chance to meet in the park.
- And that all these lessons take at least two decades to absorb.
- Imagine not knowing what hummus is, it seems impossible!
- The world needs a lot of things right now, but it also needs places for us to exercise that muscle of infinite reception. Libraries, for example. Schools. Art galleries.
- Despite the obvious challenges ahead, sitting in Daddy’s chair I found myself in the cradle of his infinite love, which is perfect, non?
- How to revise your novel: part 5
- A quiet novella is a kiss of death if you think of literary ambition as a living thing.
- You know, I prefer the kitchen to the living room, really. The kitchen is all about the promise of cooking something up … and the living room? It’s about winding down.
- Begin with endlessly sorting your bookshelves. Keep, donate, keep, donate….
- it’s not a photograph until it’s printed
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Thank you so much for these gleanings and for including me among these lovely gems. I don’t always get to every single one of them but always find something uplifting, intelligent, interesting, even humorous — or all of them. And every once in a while, like today, I come to them late and with time on my hands to slip through each of the Internet pages and relish all these lovely creative and diverse minds.
Thank you for letting me know, Diane!
Me too, Diane. I love the range…
Thank you, Theresa!