August 11, 2020

- An oral history of Ali Smith’s Seasonal Quartet
- Dear ladies who are fearful and hostile to trans women
- I’ve had this habit of organizing my instagram posts around a monthly hashtag of my own devising.
- I didn’t need to think of what I was writing as publishable or formal. It was hugely liberating and continues to be.
- Wandering inspires creativity. Indeed, wandering is creativity.
- I wasn’t surprised to find this boulder since we were in Louise Penny territory. Obviously a mystery.
- It’s been lovely getting reacquainted with blogs again.
- Maggie O’Farrell’s Hamnet and Judith began with a fragment…
- But a society, and certainly a democracy, eventually dies when everything becomes politics.
- This is, among other things, a story about language and power.
- It’s not even mid-August but the air has a little thread of autumn running through it.
- 25 Things I Love
- …usual reading tempos were returning
- A marriage is an interesting ecology unto itself.
- I tapped on the shop door and they let me in.