July 21, 2020

- Acknowledging the fact that adults and kids feel with the same passion and intensity, even if they read on different levels, is central to both the composition and reception of Lobel’s books.
- Why can’t everyone be perfect, like me? The world would be a much easier place to navigate, right? Maybe there’s a reason I stayed single for 48 years.
- if you seek out pockets of happiness, you’ll be better able to weather the other registers, the inevitable truths of the less pleasant and trickier spheres.
- One Camera One Lens One Year Starts Now
- I am here because someone a long time ago said I could be and made it that way.
- They weren’t “escapist,” exactly. But they were horizon-broadening, in the best possible way.
- What I have loved the most, are all the trees that surround us.
- I love blogs. Always have. Always will. I love that they are a little capsule away from the business of social media and that you can dive in and find out lots more about the blogger in a very focused way.
- It did take a long time but last night it was as though nothing bad had every happened.
- It is safe to say that my interest in family history research was borne of boredom.
- It seems radical to wonder if we could despise less and love more, right now.
- I felt I was writing my way through the pandemic, yes, and part of what I was learning was patience.
- This morning I went to my place of worship.
- I love to begin mornings with something beautiful.
- For me, there is always both/and when I think about rabbits on the beach.
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Thank you again for including me. I’ve found some lovely gems in your Gleanings and, among them, I’ve found a sort of ‘soul sister’ in Theresa Kishkan. I really do look forward to all the Gleanings, and am often surprised, enlightened, or simply inspired by each and every one.