April 14, 2020

- Not everything is a lesson. Not everything that happens is for you to analyze right as it’s happening.
- Though I was raised Catholic, my family actually worshipped at the Church of Frugality.
- I was grateful the book was there, even if I couldn’t give it the attention it deserved.
- Maybe I can write about what life is like when you feel like it is slowly ebbing away from you and some days you wonder why you are holding on so tightly.
- I wondered, myself, where is this surge of joyfulness coming from—not to be mistaken for the lack of concern for everyone that is and could be affected by COVID-19—and there is not one reason. I actually, counted 19.
- Love of reading in the time of corona
- Women Talking is itself a kind of manifesto, I suppose, though it does not read like a statement of intent so much as an inquiry, almost an autopsy.
- There’s never been a better time to enjoy the calm of green spaces. As the Chinese proverb goes, Life begins the day you start a garden.
- My fascination with loos began in early childhood, when a trip to the powder room felt like a flirtation with independence.
- So, I’m not. Nimble at catching my thoughts, that is. Quite the opposite. Mine are like dragonflies, abundant, right there in front of me but impossible to corral
- Yeast privilege is something that before the pandemic you may have thought you didn’t want to have because it sounds itchy.
- if there’s one thing we are good at here, it is staying the fuck home.
- As long as we can find (not just find but SEE and grab hold of) the tiny moments, the patches of light, the glimmers, then the days will continue to be ok.
- No, this is not what being retired is like
- The kind of book that feels like letters from a favourite aunt.
- Every picture a couple posts of a delicious meal they cooked together makes me wince with pain, as I eat sardines out of a can with my fingers.
- One thing, though which has really surprised me, is that I am much more of an introvert than I ever thought I was…
- It might be the least of our troubles, but curating the internet has never been trickier.
- But sometimes I’m kind of, I don’t know, done? I want to say, “Shhh.”
- I can solve nothing, I can save no one, but dammit, I can mail Patrick a copy of The Night Watchman.
- Two very different kinds of days and for me, two very different ways of reacting to each during these stressful, odd, pandemic days.
- You can’t be happy all the time, and you can’t be grateful for all moments, but all moments are opportunities for gratitude.
- It takes a true bibliophile to appreciate the desire not just to read books, but to surround oneself with them, to collect them, to pile them on shelves until the wood bows from the weight.
- I thought of how easily one adjusts to solitude. It doesn’t mean I don’t get lonely.