March 24, 2020

In good news, I have pulled myself off the floor after a week of abject panic. Before I share this week’s gleanings, I wanted to let you know that I wrote a piece for 49thShelf on the strangeness of being unable to read, and also that I created a mini-guide to blogging for kids if you know any who are looking for a creative outlet.
- A person’s tolerance for uncertainty is how well they handle being in a situation with an unclear outcome.
- What I’m trying to say is, if you’re feeling a lot of anxiety over the next few weeks, just turn off your phone and focus on those little details.
- Don’t try to be ‘happy’. Just aim for a steady baseline when you can. Being OK is a much better goal. Happy can be the cherry on the cake. Steady as she/he goes is just great. The odd dip is totally understandable too.
- If my online brand is cute things on the internet and openly available then I guess I will use this time of crisis to recommend resources to get us through.
- Count blessings. Practice gratitude. Do your part, however small it feels.
- Watch out for the bullshit, and whenever you come into contact with it, wash your hands.
- So much is beyond control or management, but clean bedding I can do.
- Who would be shadowing our days and even (it seems) our nights, ambling around outside while we sleep, helping himself to kale and a few succulent ants.
- And at the time, bedrest was all we could do to feel some semblance of control in a situation where we had none.
- I left my Heart in Paris and my Appendix in Berlin
- You don’t really notice how much you count on a guy like Tom Hanks.
- Not to be Outdone, I Rode a Wild Cow in a Rodeo
- Each time I open one up to write, the words don’t come.
- All shall be well and all manner of things shall be well and fingers crossed for the return of the swallows soon and owlets to come.
- When those reserves run low, one of the things we celebrated in the old world that can still replenish our spirits in this new world is a good, inspiring, comforting, diverting book.
- We shouldn’t shut joy out of literature even when – maybe, especially when – we are all too aware that the world is full of troubles. Sometimes it’s important to stand facing the sunshine.
- However does a woman teach herself to be an awesome photographer?
- Once upon a time a tree grew into the wires overhead.
- I’m shaken, as we all are, by how quickly our personal safety and our collective safety has been changed and compromised
- It seems unlikely my book club will be meeting any time soon, but if we were able to, I’m not sure this book would give us that much to talk about.