March 9, 2020

- How to be Sick and Single
- This was the era of travelling around Europe in a camper van and that’s what we were going to do.
- The ‘fetch’ from the bookshop in Plymouth was as exciting as collecting any book you’ve waited years for could be. I’d preordered and thus supposedly saved £7, except we drove an eighty mile round trip to get it, got stuck in a slow traffic jam for half and hour with the engine running, had to pay £2.80 to park the car, ended up needing sustenance in the M&S cafe and so I think came out of it in financial deficit. But at least I can say I was there on the dawning of the day.
- …what’s easy for us may be hard for other people. That talents and skills don’t always intersect.
- That time between eighteen and twenty-three was vulnerable and embarrassing and I’ve kept it private for no reason other than it was weird and messy and full of a soughing longing and despair, and because I hadn’t really lived in my own skin at that point, so that it hurts to look at it even now.
- It’s what both overwhelms and excites me about pottery, and life, how very much there is to learn.
- ALL THE THINGS that I spend my life trying to avoid in my own work. All the stuff I suggest authors don’t do. This book is STUFFED TO THE CEILING WITH ALL OF IT and it didn’t bother me once.
- That turtle toilet filled me with such irrational joy when it turned out so well! Who would ever think of such a thing? Who would ever make it?
- One of those mornings, the sky soft and promising after a few days of chilly rain and snow creeping down the mountain behind our house, one of those mornings when you turn to each other in bed, saying, Where did they go, the years?
- Quiet time is space our minds need to recharge also helping us to discover what matters most in our life.
- On #IWD2020 and every day from now on, be bodacious, be brave, be brilliant but please don’t tell me you’re not a feminist…
- Still life of ketchup, hot sauce, and empty champagne glasses.

This week for International Women’s Day, I am offering 15% off my blogging courses with promo code IWD. My self-directed course is ready to start whenever you are and the guided and interactive version runs next in June. Check out my testimonials page to find out what people are saying about BLOG SCHOOL.
I love your Gleanings, Kerry. A welcome gift on a cold (but bright!) Monday. The world feels friendlier and warmer with these links.
I so enjoy your Gleanings and thank you again for including me. It’s always a lovely little journey when I take a couple, or all, of the enticements to their originator. Joy always to you.