January 27, 2020

- Gurus, language scolds and comma queens
- Always keep a pot pie in the freezer.
- But here she is, walking through the world with her stuff and her thoughts.
- Down With Resolutions. To-Do Lists Are #Forever.
- It was fifty years ago today, January 26th 1970, that Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon & Garfunkel hit the record shops.
- Nicknames that bully, nicknames that tease, nicknames that coddle. They underline a particular, not always flattering trait, and reduce the whole of you to that.
- Because teachers, whether we adore them or not, seem, especially to our small selves, a little god-like, not only for the power they wield, though there’s that (though that’s less and less), but their influence on us, which I wonder how often we even realize the power of… then, and now.
- Ideally, someone will bring over KFC to your chips and whiskey (or pop or club soda) party but that sort of fancy showboating is clearly not necessary.
- Oh, we built the deck the spring Forrest turned 2 because we had his birthday party there and that was also the time I planted the montana clematis against the posts of the deck.
- Seventeen is the time of tiny moments of panic that soon your kid won’t LIVE WITH YOU anymore. Let us not, as they say, “go there” as I am already in a fragile state.
- What do you do with your son’s toothbrush when he’s no longer alive. It’s just too much to think about.
- But a kindness tool kit required some thought…
- I admire the sky at multiple times of day and in all seasons—it inspires and invigorates me
- No matter where you are on earth, the sun rises at dawn.
- Just perfect! An anchor, a color of constancy, one we can rely on that will remind us to be big sky thinkers. Precisely the color we need this year.

I so enjoy these gleanings. And, thank you again for including me. I’ve only visited 4 from today’s post so far but each one a gem.
So glad to hear it! (And thank you for your beautiful work…)