December 20, 2019

- The only legacy that feels right to leave them is a literary legacy. A shared love of books that we have read together. I like to think this would have happened even without a terminal diagnosis but with it the pressure is on to make every moment -—even moments spent reading—count.
- “Why is my stocking cold?” my mother asked nervously on Christmas morning in 1992.
- Create what you like, create what you want to eat (so to speak).
- Our urge to mark midwinter and celebrate the days growing longer precedes Christianity by thousands of years
- The magic of Christmas prevails regardless of such details. It’s in the anticipation.
- What Maeve and Danny are really contemplating when they park across the street from it all those times is their past, their family, their story, and in a way, isn’t that what we all do when we return, mentally or literally, to the places we used to live and the people we used to be?
- I’m simply just not good at Christmas.
- Did anything change when I learned it was actually a gun rack?
Happy Holidays! I am taking a holiday from the internet and will see you in the new year.