October 7, 2019

- It is telling that this dedication is not to Stein herself, but to her words and sentences – those notoriously obscure, dense, allusive syntactical puzzles that require dedication and persistence to parse and comprehend.
- It’s lovely to choose your life again, even when you think you already appreciate it.
- Having breast cancer and knowing how little funding goes into research for metastatic breast cancer, and how it mostly goes into overhead and pink trinkets, has made me want to hate October.
- When I go into the kitchen and see the pot of hips on the table, I wonder how the summer passed so quickly.
- I am so grateful for this portal, and it’s always a delight when I hear that a post has inspired or moved someone, or just simply made them happy.
- It strikes me that reading Tove Jansson is like stepping through the back of the literary wardrobe into a Narnia-like world of magic and difference.
- The conservation area is located at #902 Ballyduff Road; small problem though, the road ends at eight hundred and ninety something. Beyond that was a very rough (very, very rough) track through the woods….
- Sometimes it’s fun to know next to nothing about a book prior to picking it up.
- Or the fact that I have been reading Tolstoy for decades and still only have the foggiest idea what a samovar is….
- If you are looking for consolation as a reader, you would be well advised to look elsewhere.
- Yet never has a colon done so much heavy lifting.
- I found her book in my building’s laundryroom’s bookshelf.
- If the bullshit-merchants have no shame about repeating themselves, their critics shouldn’t either
- There is a lot of work to be done out there, Readers! Kids need mirrors and windows!
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