September 30, 2019

- In praise of kind ruthlessness: a writer’s appreciation of the intelligent non-expert
- This is a space to indulge the author’s enthusiasms, without recourse to chasing trends or fashion and with no claim to comprehensiveness or universality.
- I’ve confessed here before that I can have trouble staying “objective and professorial” during discussions of Gaudy Night because I love the novel so much.
- Deep delight, in a moment of mania. That was me, in the night, writing by starlight, telling the story over and over again.
- In simplifying my choice, I’ve given myself a greater chance of success, and created an opportunity for a cohesive collection and stronger personal aesthetic.
- For me, being lost unexpectedly turned out to be an entirely internal exercise.
- It is all ebb and flow. Some periods will feel quite desperate, and at other times we will feel light.
- What happens after a protest?
- I still have emails saved in a folder called SELLOUTS GET SENSITIVE.
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