June 25, 2019
Jump In

The city swimming pools are open, and school is almost out, and I ALMOST went swimming in the lake on Sunday, and I turned 40, and celebrated my 14th wedding anniversary, and both my children had birthdays too, and Briny Books sold so many books that we ran out of money for postage, and my blogging course is nearly ready for launching, which is very exciting, and I am trying not to bemoan the end of May and June, which are my very favourite times, but there is still summer ahead, never mind all the work (ACK!) I have to do between now and then. Deep breaths. It’s going to be fine.
Happy belated birthday! Thank you for all of the wonderful book recommendations over the years. I always find something new and interesting from you. This is definitely one of my most treasured spots on the internet and I appreciate all of your hard work!
Oh my goodness, that is so lovely to hear. Thank you.
Ahhh…I am feeling so many of the same feelings. Life is great. Life is busy. HOLY FUCK I’M FORTY AND HAVE BEEN MARRIED FOUR SCORE AND SEVEN YEARS. And also it’s already late July and there’s so much to do and where on earth has the time gone? By which I mean the summer and also the last FORTY YEARS. We are in the July of our lives, aren’t we Kerry? Well, fingers crossed anyway. xo
I am even looking forward to September, to be honest. xo