May 21, 2019

- That’s what theoretical and ideal thinking abstracted from lived experience does, and it does it on purpose. Which…is why the anecdote has the capacity to do radical knowledge work.
- I wrote the first line of each chapter first, to get an idea of what it could be about or what might happen. It was like a poem because at that point, the novel was so distilled.
- Rage works. It takes time and numbers and a willingness to express it, but it is among the most reliable catalysts of social and political change.
- She made being human into an art.
- When I planted the clematis, I wasn’t thinking about the future.
- The placement of the park benches aren’t accidental.
- No one wants to stress out over waffles – even the Liège kind.
- I knew nothing about blogging and didn’t know how to start but I did want to write honestly about our ordinary days here at home that, in the context of the times, were surprisingly enriching and satisfying.
- Each small thing offered, in this world in my mind, is actually a really big thing.
- When people are close to us through their stories – around the dinner table, over Netflix or through blogs – it becomes impossible to put people into groups out of fear and hate, despite the horrors others may be trying to push into our ears.
- Her dual loyalties, she says, have led to an interest in translation.
- When I look at certain photographs I am immediately transported back to where it was taken.
- And this, really, in a nutshell, is why I blog.
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