May 6, 2019

- I don’t mind hearing the word, bravo, but nor do I need it.
- Make no mistake, there is no charity in stirring hatred against your neighbour whatever language they speak in their kitchen. It is a stingy and self-serving ploy to separate us from each other. It puts everyone in a great danger.
- I am in that river of consciousness now, at this point in my life, deep in its waters, sometimes chilly and in danger of losing balance in the current, sometimes so utterly joyous that I have to pull myself back to the shore by force of will.
- But I’m a woman, so I’ve always been aware that what I like is not what everyone likes.
- The urge to leave a mark on a wall, in the sand or on on the radiators, as I once I did, is so instinctively human.
- I think the marvellous is there at all times, and we just have to be in the correct state to peer into the cracks of the universe.
- Yes, I felt porous, the generations coming to rest in my cheekbones…
- If we pour some tea, put on our favourite music, and come to our work saying, “I’m a bit nervous,” it always seems to open up, doesn’t it?
Giveaway alert! I’ve got a copy of Gladstone Press’s GORGEOUS new edition of Mrs. Dalloway up for grabs. You can enter via my Instagram or Facebook pages. If you don’t do either social medium, drop me an email and we’ll sort it out.

I love your Gleanings, Kerry. A lovely place to spend some time clicking and reading. I’d read the Solnit piece over the weekend but was glad to find it again and to have the link to send to others. (I laughed out loud at the urge to write on things. Years ago I used to keep a marker in my purse for the ferry bathroom cubicles. So many scores to settle, alas.) So thank you for your generosity and your willingness to direct attention to the blogs out there.
Thank you for gleaning my gleanings!! I really appreciate it. xo