January 27, 2019

- There must be prejudice in us, to say that if someone’s in trouble, it is self-made, it is their fault. But there should be space in the world for people who need it: I am living proof.
- “I’m so glad this place is still here,” I thought while eating comfort food and getting warm.
- I think this is one of the most wonderful things about the public library – that it expresses faith in people, just by existing, really.
- I still don’t like it. But while liking or not liking a book may be, as Henry James put it, “that primitive, that ultimate, test” for us as readers, it really can’t be the ultimate test for those of us who are also scholars, teachers, or students.
- Or simply in the cycle of the seasons, of which winter is one.
- When you’re going through a hard time, reading can be a total salve.
- As if this isn’t enough incentive to consider writing an occasional letter, I’ve recently learned that when we write in cursive, divergent parts of our brains are activated…
- Cost of simplicity
- I think about writing about swimming all the time.
- I change my mind about what a short story is nearly every day.
- Albeluhn, 53, never set out to change the global online trajectory of banana bread.
- January is National Soup Month, so have a big bowl!
- 8 More Ways To Read (A Lot) More Books
- and it wasn’t until that moment that I realized how important making plans was…
- There always was, and still is, a longing to my status as a reader…
- An ode to the white board
- It’s so very much like birding, really: you go out there, no matter the weather, and what you end up seeing will, without a doubt, surprise you if you’re open to noticing what’s in front of you.
- “History gives you context and understanding and it gives you some warning signs. It’s not going to repeat but you can say ‘Be careful here’.”
- The contrast between the start and the end of my parents’ relationship was stunning. How had one thing become the other?
I love this post. I love the word “gleanings.” And I love that I see in your sidebar that you’ll soon be offering a blogging course. That is so cool!
I love it too. Gleanings is such a great word. And Blog School! You are one inspiring woman.
Thank you, Theresa!