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Pickle Me This

February 6, 2008

Inedible, Indelible Love

She was eating mouldy cheese at the table, and he was reading a book on the couch. Outside it was raining, and their telephone didn’t work when it was raining. They’d tried calling the telephone company about this a hundred times, but no one believed them, and of course by the time someone was sent over for repairs, the rain had stopped.
“Your phone’s just fine,” the repairman always would say, and when they explained the rain, he’d say “Impossible.” And present them with a bill for $76.00, and so they stopped worrying about it. The broken telephone became a fact of rainfall as much as getting wet was, and this was what life was. And life was fine.

2 thoughts on “Inedible, Indelible Love”

  1. Panic says:

    Outside it was raining, and their telephone didn’t work when it was raining. They’d tried calling the telephone company about this a hundred times, but no one believed them, and of course by the time someone was sent over for repairs, the rain had stopped.
    This happened to me. Exactly. It took us months to get anyone to listen to us. Bell’s shitastic customer service people actually had the balls to say “Maybe it’s a coincidence.” “Hell of a coincidence,” I told them, “And exponentially less probable every time it rains!” Bell hasn’t gotten one red cent of my money after I moved out of that place. Bastids.

    Is this a story you’ve written, or is it from somewhere, or has is happened to you? This is the strangest coincidence!

  2. Stuart says:

    I love Inedible, Indelible Love.

    It is love at it’s most mundane/ wonderful.

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