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Pickle Me This

January 14, 2008

Baby feet

Oh, for booties and wee feet. Aren’t these adorable? And I was lucky enough to have a friend with an upcoming bebe for whom to whip up these ickle shoes. Which are a bit wonky, naturally, as they were knit by me, and hopefully the bebe’s feet will be the same size, unlike his/her shoes, but alas. Made with love. I am terribly superstitious that a babe might come into the world for whom I’ve not created a knitted item, and be cursed for life. Cursed not to own a wonky knit thing, I suppose, but then these booties will forever stand as evidence that someone was thinking of their tiny feet even before they were born, and that is nice I think. Should fit them for all of about a week. And if it’s twins they can have one each, I guess.

One thought on “Baby feet”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Did you seriously knit these? They have to be the cutest little bebe booties that I have EVER seen!!! So good hitchel

    Pierre has some friends in town from Manchester…and they have an 11 week old bebe and I got to see her today! They stopped by my hotel to say hello and she was sleeping the entire time…but it made my day. And we are going to babysit for them during their stay in town one day!!!! (I’ll make sure to have my “kid kit” on hand)

    PS – another couple in Calgary are having a bebe in May…would you want to knit another pair of booties and send out and I can give to them??? I would LOVE that!

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