May 8, 2007
In my bag
Today 84 Charing Cross Road came in for me at the library (on Claire G’s recommendation). A bookish book! I am looking forward. I also brought home The Garden Party by Katherine Mansfield to reread “At the Bay”, to which Janice Kulyk Keefer acknowledges her debt in The Ladies Lending Library. Stay tuned for a review tomorrow of that book, by the way. And I am now much intrigued to read Kulyk Keefer’s overtly Mansfieldian Thieves. Oh books books books. Thank heaven I plan to live for a long long time.
My pal Babs at Harper Collins just sent out this note and I’m not sure if you liked the Lending Library or not but:
Hi all –
Come on out to Chapters in Bloor West Village this Thursday, for coffee, tea and pastries with Janice Kulyk Keefer, author ot The Ladies Lending Library.
May 10, 7pm
2225 Bloor Street West
Wait! Nevermind. We’re hanging out exactly then.
I really liked Lending Library, and I love pastries, but I am entirely too looking forward to our outing to attend.