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Pickle Me This

March 26, 2013

Where does a month go when it's gone?

IMG_5756We were very happy to hear the word “benign” today when we visited the doctor for results of my biopsy. I have to see him again before my baby is born, and then once life settles down post-baby, decisions will be made about whether or not I’ll require surgery to take care of my lump for once and for all, but in the meantime, we’re relieved. It’s been just over a month since I found the lump, and what a crazy time it’s been. The last two weeks have thankfully been free of much worry, and to be honest, the news today was a bit of an anticlimax because it was what the doctor has set me up to expect. But I also find myself able to listen to There Must Be An Angel without bursting into tears for the first time in ages, so something essential must have shifted. (What is it with my propensity to listen to ad-nauseum to songs that make me cry? I imagine that this is something that men don’t do. Or women who aren’t ridiculous, for that matter.)

Today’s other piece of good news came today at the midwives where it was determined that Baby is (probably) head-down. I’m only 32 weeks so this could change at any time, but it’s significant for me because Harriet was transverse from 31 weeks and I’ve been paranoid that history might repeat itself, no matter that there was no physical reason that it would. I really don’t want to have another c-section, and we’ve become extremely keen about natural birthing (so yes, I’m back reading Ina May Gaskin again, after four years of making fun of her, and Harriet has been reading up on placentas and crowning). I am so fortunate to have many friends who have had successful home birth/natural birth experiences, and I’ve been steeping myself in their stories for inspiration and confidence in my own abilities to do similar things.

And it’s really not so far away. Terrifying. The last month has got away from us entirely, and now we must shift back to Baby, to all the things we have to do before Baby arrives. It’s a far more fun preoccupation than thyroid lumps, but overwhelming all the same.

6 thoughts on “Where does a month go when it's gone?”

  1. Heather says:

    So happy. So crocussy. April will be glorious, and baby will do its baby thing. Love to all you guys.

  2. Carrie says:

    Good news! YAY!

    I really loved that Welcome with Love book. The kids and I read it before our last was born, but then my body refused to go into labour until the children had all been taken out of the house, so they didn’t get a close-up experience with the placenta (which is still in our freezer, but that’s another story …)

  3. Glad to hear the biopsy news. Onwards, upwards! xo

  4. patricia says:

    So happy about all the good news. And I have always loved ‘There Must Be An Angel’. It can still give me chills & make me a bit weepy, and I don’t care.

  5. saleema says:

    I’m so happy and relieved to hear all of this good news!!!

  6. Alex says:

    I am so, so, so relieved! Have been thinking about you a lot. 🙂 yay!

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