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Pickle Me This

June 23, 2011

Penguins in the Post

Oh, there are words to describe yesterday, but they’re not very polite ones. They’re the words I was thinking as I hauled my hysterically tantrumming toddler home from a drop-in we visited in the morning, one that was so nice that apparently Harriet never wanted to go home. She was able to contort her body to become completely rigid (this kid would rock at planking) or to become a wet noodle, therefore rendering stroller get-her-inning completely impossible. She wanted me to carry her, and it was raining, and I couldn’t push a stroller, hold Harriet and an umbrella, so we got soaked. And then I could no longer carry Harriet at all, and that was all she wrote. It was horrid. And we won’t even get started on the whole “leaving the farmer’s market” meltdown in the afternoon, which was even worse, totally embarrassing and annoying. By the time Stuart came home from work, I was totally broken, and once again, considering putting Harriet up for adoption. “But tomorrow will be better,” I told myself, believing this to be somewhat naive, but it is June, mind you, and life is good in June, and indeed, better today has definitely been.

And it still would have been better had I not received this incredible surprise from my pal at Penguin Canada. A Penguin tote bag (which would be enough in itself) packed with 24 Mini Moderns. But it would not be possible to receive a package like this, and for a day not to be made. And yes, partly because we’re in our third week of a mail strike and I’ve been missing surprises at my door, and partly because these books are so brilliantly Penguinesque in their design and because I can’t wait to find a place where I can line them all up in a row, and because there are authors I love here, and others still yet to be discovered. But mostly because now I am totally assured that there is such brilliant possibility in never knowing what a new day might deliver.

5 thoughts on “Penguins in the Post”

  1. m says:

    Oooh…I am coveting those Penguins and that bag!

    Not your morning with Harriet, though. I have been there and will be there again. I really think that protesters should spend a few days with a toddler to learn how to do it right. The plank to wet noodle move and then back again is really bloody effective.

  2. melanie says:

    I”m thinking I should just cut and paste everything Marita said – from the coveting those books to the toddler tantrum bit. I have a particular memorable one where I had to carry Moira out of a shopping mall while she screamed and kicked my very pregnant belly and I had to let her rage in the car for a while before I could wrestle her into her car seat.

    I never get anything interesting in the mail but I still miss seeing my postman.

  3. clazgeds says:

    how joyous. a deserved almost birthday haul! xx

  4. Kristin says:

    Oh the joy of toddlers. Maybe getting new teeth? Emma was particularly horrible last week and I kind of hated her, and then a few days later I realized she was getting two molars in. It doesn’t really excuse the multiple bowls of food thrown on the floor at dinner, but it helped my sympathize a little. Or at least breathe a sigh of relief that maybe she wasn’t actually going to grow up into a psychopath after all. Anyway, books! They cure many ills. Happy reading!

  5. Em says:

    I have been drooling over these little books for weeks now. Lucky you!

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